‘Being with God on the edge’

St Martin-in-the-Fields is a church at the heart of the Church of England, at the heart of London. We join this with a commitment to being with those who are on the edge of society, and being at the cutting edge of innovation and exploration. We believe God is to be found on the edge.


Join a congregation

New here?

Information about our Welcome course and Exploring Faith course

Services and events through the week

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we have events for you


Contribute financially to the congregational life of St Martin’s

Join a team

Contribute your time and talents to our shared life

Small groups

We are growing our vision for small groups in 2020. Watch this space.


St Martin-in-the-Fields is committed to making all of its activities as open and accessible as possible to all.

Children's Ministry


Autumn Lecture Series

We Have a Dream

27 September – 15 November 2021

The Nazareth Community - whole group in church

The Nazareth Community

Friends of St Martin’s

If you are unable to join one of our Congregations but would like to stay involved with St Martin’s you are very welcome to join the Friends of St Martin’s.

White Lilies

Weddings, baptisms and funerals and services of thanksgiving

If you live in the parish of St Martin’s, have a close pastoral connection with the church, or regularly attend services here then please contact us.

Coming up



Sermons, Lectures and Talks

Theology events

Fra Filippo Lippi, The Annunciation

Inspired to Follow – Art and the Bible

Autumn Lecture Series

We Have a Dream

27 September – 15 November 2021

Books by our clergy

