Come together and keep our spirit alive

The spirit of St Martin’s is full of faith, love, courage and humility. But it is nothing without the support of our community.

Your support helps our church services reach more people than ever before. It helps our singers to spread joy and comfort when we need it most. And it builds bridges with people on the edge of society who face an uncertain future.

Please show your support with a gift today and help keep our spirit alive. Thank you.


Currensea Offer

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Join our Music Patrons Circle

Support St Martin’s Voices and champion our artists

Starting new lives

Find out how you can help families arriving from Hong Kong to build new lives in London

People sitting on church steps

Join the Cornerstone Club

Your support is our future. Help us change lives for good.

Altar items

Leave a gift in your will

Whether you’re making a will for the first time or simply changing an existing will, it’s easier than you might think to leave us a gift.

The St Martin’s Trust

Find out more about the work of the St Martin’s Trust.